

During the pandemic most of the countries have gone under a lockdown because of which we are barely allowed to go out of our houses, we can’t meet our friends and are extremely exhausted sitting at home. BUT, we have always looked at the negative side of lockdown , have you stopped and pondered, is the lockdown really so dreadful? Well, most of you must not have, so today we are going to discuss why is lockdown actually a blessing and things we must learn during the lockdown. 1)       Learn Coding As they say “the most important language in today’s wold is coding.” I believe it’s is absolutely true. Everyone should know at least the basics of coding and being a coder myself, I can assure you it is absolutely amusing. Knowing the problems customers can face and making programs to overcome them keeps you engaged throughout the day (in case you are bored of doing nothing at home during lockdown). There are numerous programming languages out there like Java , Python , etc. and  num


                     Gaming as we all know also called e-sports is the latest trend of our world. You will see a 40 year old man playing games or a 7 year old child but no one has for sure decided whether it is a boon or a bane upon this world. At every house you may get to see a gaming addict who is staring at his /her phone for the whole day. Have you ever wondered why is it so? Well that’s what we are going to focus on today, so without much ado let’s get into it. Today I will be discussing on the advantages and disadvantages of gaming / e-sports with a special emphasis on teenagers. above picture from : Disadvantages:   I am sure most of us are already acquainted with this one but let me  elaborate on the point: WHO claims , “Of the 269 patients we now see for internet addiction, 241 have gaming disorder as their principal addiction”   Q : but what exactly happens in the brain which causes them to love games so much ? ANS:    according to https:/

Who created you and the world ?

Most of us as a child must have wondered , who am I ? why do I exist ? who did really create me ? was it God ? who was it who started it all ? who created him ? and all other sorts of question which no one has given you a satisfactory answer. Today I am going to discuss and try to answer all your questions. But before we start I want to make it clear that whatever theories exist on this blog are entirely my own and not copied from anywhere. So, having said that lets start. Experiment :   You can conduct an experiment without any tools or expense and  message me on my instagram profile    your observations . So for this experiment you need to note down the names of at least 10 people (it can be more) with whom you are in a close contact. Ask each one of them separately, “who do you think created the world ?” , and based on their answer, question them again , for example:                    If they answer –“God“                  you need t