During the pandemic most of the countries have gone under a lockdown because of which we are barely allowed to go out of our houses, we can’t meet our friends and are extremely exhausted sitting at home. BUT, we have always looked at the negative side of lockdown , have you stopped and pondered, is the lockdown really so dreadful?

Well, most of you must not have, so today we are going to discuss why is lockdown actually a blessing and things we must learn during the lockdown.

1)    Learn Coding

As they say “the most important language in today’s wold is coding.” I believe it’s is absolutely true.

Everyone should know at least the basics of coding and being a coder myself, I can assure you it is absolutely amusing. Knowing the problems customers can face and making programs to overcome them keeps you engaged throughout the day (in case you are bored of doing nothing at home during lockdown). There are numerous programming languages out there like Java , Python , etc. and  numerous sites and platforms that can help you learn coding  like White Hat Jr. which make coding all the more fun to learn.


link for White Hat Junior : https://whjr.co/lAjYM


White hat junior is an amazing platform and I strongly recommend you should definitely check it out. The above link for white hat junior is a gift from me , go take your first absolutely FREE trial class right now using the above link. 

 EdTech Startup WhiteHat Jr Organises Logic And Coding Championship For Kids  - BW Education

picture from : http://bweducation.businessworld.in/   

     Benefits to mother Earth:

According to https://www.theweeklyjournal.com/ ,In Puerto Rico, beaches are empty, which means that sea turtles are nesting in peace. The Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (DNER) said this bodes well for a successful nesting season for the endangered species.

many more observations have been made where Earth is trying to heal herself during the lockdown , but that is not enough , we need to focus more on this problem. Numerous forests fires throughout the world are devastating peoples lifes ,

According to https://www.forbes.com/     The Furnace Creek Visitor Center in Death Valley , Chicago recorded a temperature of 54.4C on Sunday, August 16, 2020.


We should plant trees whenever and wherever we can at our homes , school , colleges . Make this your hobby and contribute to this noble cause.

 Climate Change: What is being done around the world to plant trees? - BBC  News

picture from : https://www.bbc.com/

3)  Contribute at your household work

It should not be just our parents who have to do household work and believe me that you will experience some satisfaction because you have contributed to something. Start with just arranging your bed after you wake up in the morning, this will help you get motivated and charged up for the rest of the day.


4)   Animation:

Another really cool thing that I have learnt in this lockdown is how to animate. There are numerous platforms where you can model , sculpt and animate your own projects , some of them are Maya and Blender. It’s really fun doing so and if you have visited my instagram profile you will see it loaded with such stuff.

My instagram profile : https://www.instagram.com/akshathdubey/


    picture created by : https://www.instagram.com/akshathdubey/

5)   5.) Read and Write

     This is the last point which I will strongly recommend. Read as much novels as you can in the lockdown , they are really amusing and fun and bookworms like me can’t get their eyes off once we start reading . I would also recommend start writing something , a diary  , a novel , a blog. Anything that keeps you occupied and has innumerable benefits.

 Here's How Much Time People Actually Spend Reading Each Day | Inc.com

picture from : https://www.inc.com/

I would like to end by quoting Dalai Lama In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision.” So instead of focusing on the detriments of the lockdown we should look at the brighter side.






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